WSOGMM Whole Sort of General Mish Mash

Thinking Without Writing


“If you are thinking without writing, you only think you are thinking.” says Leslie Lamport in Thinking for Programmers talk. Having always wanted to maintain a blog, this got me thinking about writing regularly.

Writing is nature’s way of letting you know how sloppy your thinking

Consuming without Thinking

Personally, my default activity on weekends has become binge consumption of content: web articles, tv shows, movies and sometimes books. They continue to be enjoyable. But after a few days, I would barely recall the data mentioned in a news report, or the plot-twists of a movie or the experimental results of a study. Without taking time to reflect, it has all become a blur.

This seems to be a global phenomenon. The rate of media consumption is increasing. US media consumption rate rose from 11 hours per day per person in 2008 to 15 hours in 2015, according to a study by UC San Diego. As explained in the study, if we are consuming 15 hours worth of media per day, it only means that we are multi-tasking and not paying attention, resulting in lower comprehension.

Thinking through Writing

Writing could provide the time to reflect and assimilate. I have been toying with this idea for two years. But I have been avoided writing by rationalising not knowing the topic, audience or purpose. I also feel into the perfection trap, trying to figure out the perfect platform, the perfect content, forgetting that “perfect is the enemy of good”. So, this blog is a personal attempt to take time to think through writing.